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Why I PMC - Valerie Gamble

Published Date:   September 07, 2023

Topic:   PMC Unpaved, #PMC2023, #PMCUnpaved

Why I PMC - Valerie Gamble
#WhyIPMC guest blog by Valerie Gamble, Living Proof, 1st-year Unpaved rider / Winter Cycle rider / PMC volunteer and Captain of Team Aisling Fit 

Strong, fierce, brave, these are the words I use to describe my dear friend, Christy Ferland.CF1[47]-1 For over two years Christy fought stage four lung cancer. She passed away this July at the young age of 46. From the very first day of her diagnosis, we all thought she would beat it, she was the strongest, healthiest person I knew. I met Christy four years ago at Aisling Fit, a local crossfit gym. She was a petite woman with a kind and gentle soul. But man could she throw some weight around!  No matter what was happening she always took the time to say hi and see how things were going.  Never shy about giving advice and offering support. Even when she was sick, she put everyone else first, especially showing tireless devotion to her family.
In Christy’s honor, I am riding PMC Unpaved along with George Thompson and Josh Nason, also from Aisling Fit.  This is our way to show Christy that she was a warrior and that she truly made an impact on so many. Excuses were not allowed in Christy’s world, and she would tell me just to suck it up and ride!  So here I go!CF2-1


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