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PMC Unpaved

Summit Fundraisers

PMC Unpaved Summit Fundraisers are PMC Unpaved's top fundraisers. They exceed their fundraising commitment to reach the annually determined Summit level.





The 2024 PMC Unpaved Summit Fundraiser Level

2024 Summit Fundraiser Gift

stio bag with logo tag

The 2024 PMC Unpaved Summit Fundraiser gift is the Stio Basin XT Dopp Kit featuring a PMC Unpaved Summit Fundraiser tag. This year's gift is presented by M&T Bank, the co-presenting sponsor of the Pan-Mass Challenge.

All PMC Unpaved riders who reach the Summit Fundraiser level ($4,000 in 2024) will be gifted this bag later this fall, following the November 1 fundraising minimum deadline.

Summit Fundraisers are invited to register first for PMC Unpaved! The exclusive Summit Fundraiser registration opens April 2 at 9 AM. Only 2023 Summit Fundraisers (those who raised $4,000 or more) can register this day.

April 2, 2024

PMC Unpaved Summit Fundraiser Registration

Fundraising Commitment

PMC Unpaved riders’ commitment to fundraising is at the heart of PMC culture. When riders register, they commit to a fundraising minimum, 100 percent of which goes to cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

The fundraising commitment for both routes – 30 and 50 miles – is $1,500.

PMC Unpaved Resources

100 percent of every rider-raised dollar goes to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Use PMC Unpaved Resources, Fundraising Tools & Tips, and more advice to reach your fundraising goals!